Why I Don’t Like Painted Pools [VIDEO]

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The transcript:

Hey, everyone. This is Eric with Stanton Pools and Valley Pool Plaster.

Right now, I’m in Newbury Park. These homeowners just purchased the house. They’re not living here yet but they wanted me to come by and give them a price to resurface and re-tile the pool.

One of the things that I could see as soon as I rounded the corner and saw the pool even from a distance is that the pool’s painted. The way I can tell that is because today it’s an overcast day. We’re getting a lot of smoke from the fires.

So, normally, a pool, the color wouldn’t be as vibrant, the color might be a little bit more dull, in the shallow end, there wouldn’t be much color at all especially.

And, right here, when I show you the pool in a moment, you’re going to see that the pool is very blue. Everywhere, blue.

It almost looks like the light is refracting from the sun and creating this beautiful blue color, at least in some spots…but it’s not. So, here. Just to kind of take a look. This is what the pool looks like. It almost looks kind of fake, in my opinion.

And the reason that people paint pools usually is to sell a house. They paint the pool right before they sell it. It’ll look great.

Most homeowners aren’t aware that it was painted and they think that the pool is in great condition. But within about six months, it starts to come off. You can see here on the steps.

Now, this pool was painted, I’m sure, a while ago. You can see it was painted over plaster that was already delaminating and popping off.

And what happens when you paint a pool, within about six months, maybe a year, if you’re lucky, as soon as you start to brush the pool, it all clouds up. It goes into the filter, the paint starts to come off and it’s a big mess.

You put your hand on it or you walk on it and the paint comes onto your hands and yeah, it’s just not fun. Really, if you’re gonna do it right, it’s not that much less expensive than doing a basic white plaster.

To do it right, you got to drain the pool. Then, you have to acid wash or at least do a chlorine wash on the pool, make sure that the paint adheres well.

I believe then, you know, I’ve never painted a pool but from what I hear, I believe then you prime it, and you have to do really high-quality epoxy paint. Let that dry, let it cure, refill the pool, and do a full startup on it.

By the time you’re done with that, you’re already a lot of the way towards at least re-plastering the pool. You don’t have to worry about, “oh, my gosh, only having something last for six months.”

So, I just wanted to share that with you. I’m not really a fan of painting pools, people usually regret it.
But it does look nice maybe for a few months while someone’s selling the house.

So, again, I’m Eric with Stanton Pools and Valley Pool Plaster. Feel free to reach out to us anytime.

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