January 28, 2020

Pool Plaster: Everything You Need to Know

They say your swimming pool is an extension of your living room; a place to stay and hang out with friends and families after a long, busy day. Having a private pool offers you an escape the moment you step out into your own backyard.
That’s why many pool owners take the time to invest in their swimming pools. While pool cleaning plays a major role in pool maintenance, those who want to keep their aquatic oasis in pristine condition hire pool professionals who offer pool services like pool remodeling, pool resurfacing, and plaster pool service. Amongst these services, pool plastering is often the most overlooked maintenance solution applied to your private pool. Pool plaster is the skin that separates the water and the concrete pool. It offers various advantages including its aesthetic appeal and a smooth surface but what it’s better known for is its ability to create a watertight seal between the pool water and the rough underlying surface.

Pool Plastering: The Basics

Plastering a pool isn’t exactly rocket science. There are tons of blogs and videos online that will tell you how to do it. What’s too hard when all you need to do is to apply a thin layer of mortar inside your pool? While the process sounds a bit too rudimentary, doing it yourself can cause unnecessary expenses. That’s to cover all the costs of having to try things out the first time and believe us when we say there are a ton of ways you can mess this up. So, unless you plaster pools for a living, it’s best to leave this arduous task to the pros. When done by professionals, plaster pool service can be finished in a day. A seven-hour job for an average-sized private piscina, although the duration of the project depends heavily on the expanse of your pool. We, at Stanton Pools, are proud to have been consistently providing fast and efficient pool plastering services in the cities in Ventura County and the Conejo, Simi and San Fernando Valleys. That said, we’re best known for our  Winnetka pool plastering,  Chatsworth pool resurfacing, and Canoga Park pool maintenance services having been provided by the best professionals in the said area. Here’s a quick run-down of what we do. We begin by draining your pools. This is the first and is one of the most crucial parts of the process as draining your pool gives us an idea of how much work is to be done. Next, after we’ve done our assessment of the plaster infrastructure, we begin chipping out the old plaster to make way for the new one. Your thoughts on how you want your pool designed will play a vital part in how the plaster is applied. Chipping out the old plaster is completed immediately the day after draining the water. After which, tile and coping are applied to give your pool the visual and aesthetic face-lift it deserves. We will then apply the new surface right after the tile and coping are applied. Depending on the material you’ve chosen, the application process may take a day or two. Lastly, we refill the pool with water. We will also balance the chemical composition of the water as this is crucial to the process of pool plastering. Having been sitting in the pool the longest, how well the water is maintained will significantly affect the longevity of your pool plaster. Here’s why.

Water and Pool Plaster

At Stanton Pools, we take pool water seriously. Our Agoura Hills pool resurfacingWest Hills pool resurfacing, and Moorpark pool resurfacing all include the process of taking good care of the water to maximize the lifespan of the plaster in the pools we service. The water’s pH level is indicative of the condition of the plaster. Water below 7.0 pH can cause the plaster to erode, removing the sleek patina on the plaster’s surface. When the smooth surface begins to corrode, it will cause the layer to become coarse. Rough surfaces can cause anything from torn swimsuits to damaged skin. pool water - stanton pools Should the water’s pH level go beyond 8.0, the plaster may begin to develop stains and scaling. These stains may be hard to remove and can contribute to the contamination of the water in the pool. Apart from the pool water’s pH level, the concentration of calcium in the water will also affect the quality of the plaster. While the same mineral is found in every type of pool plaster, inconsistent and improper calcium concentration can ruin the plaster. Deposits will develop in the plaster when there is too much calcium in the water, while insufficient amounts of calcium may weaken the plaster. These factors are heavily considered in our Northridge pool plastering services as well as when finishing our Hidden Hills pool remodeling, Northridge pool remodeling, and our Simi Valley pool remodeling.


There is a slew of other issues relating to bad pool water and how it affects your pool plaster. Stains are some of the most common concerns we encounter. pool plaster stains

1. Organic Stains

Probably the easiest to deal with. Organic stains are caused by plant matter that is situated near your pool. They will stain your plaster with a brown or green hue depending on the component of the plant that’s exposed to the water. Leaves will leave green stains due to chlorophyll, while twigs and stems will leave a brown hue probably due to the acids in the plant matter. These stains will not stay in the plaster for long as chlorine in the water will bleach the plaster. These stains are common in pools located in places like Tarzana where vegetation is common. That said, our Tarzana pool service and our West Hills pool service take organic stains into account.

2. Pool Plaster Mottling

It’s not uncommon for pools to experience pool plaster mottling. Mottling is when the pool plaster shows a variation of color due to several other reasons including the actual troweling process and hydration. Mottling is more obvious on darker plasters but can sometimes manifest on pool plasters of lighter shades. While there are many techniques to decrease the effects of mottling on your plaster, such as calcium and pH reduction, very little can be done to remedy the effect of heavy pool plaster mottling on your plasters because of how muriatic acids affect the pool plaster.

3. Dissolved Metals

Metal stains refer to the discoloration caused when metals saturate the water. Metals such as iron and copper can trigger the formation of metal stains. They will be generally hard to remove and will be easy to spot. Stains of copper metal will appear as streaks and splotches of blue-green hues on the plaster of your pool while stains from iron will generally be in black or brown. These stains are hard to deal with, that’s why we take extra care on our Simi Valley pool service as the area is known for its local metal industry. Water often causes aesthetic issues on the plaster of your pool. But the fact that it damages the surface of the plaster does not mean that it’s nothing. When left unattended, these simple stains can cause cracks and fissures that can ultimately call for an immediate pool plastering.

How to Clean Pool Plaster

One of the most common pool finishes is plaster. Plaster is cheaper compared to other pool interiors and offers a few features that exceed its notoriety in affordability. As we have briefly covered above, pool plaster is the thin layer that separates the pool water and the concrete below creating a watertight seal. And although it can be had in a variety of colors, plaster often comes in white. On that note, without proper care and maintenance, pool plaster easily succumbs to a wide variety of problems both structurally and aesthetically. Here are a few things you can do to clean your pool plaster.

1. Skim the Surface

Arguably the easiest way to clean your pool plaster is by skimming the surface. In fact, it works not only on pool plasters but also on pools finished with other interior materials including pool tile and pool pebble. That’s because the problem in the pool interior’s surface often starts with the dirt and debris blown by the wind into the pool. Things like leaves, bugs, and twigs, can cause stains on the plaster. On that same note, some objects blown into the pool water may carry spores of microorganisms like algae that can easily attach to the porous surface of the plaster. Start by using a telescopic pole with a skimmer net attached to it. Then, lightly scoop up floating dirt and debris out of the pool. This debris can sink onto the bottom where they can decompose and start problems you could have dealt with in the first place. Take the trash you’ve collected and put it in a bag, so it doesn’t get blown into the pool water again. Doing this can save you a lot of time and money from expensive pool resurfacing and pool replastering projects in the future. Do it at least once a week or if you see a lot of debris floating on the pool water.

2. Brush the Plaster

One of the most common solutions to most pool plaster problems is brushing. It’s recommended that you brush the plastered part of your pool once a week because brushing not only helps remove stains, but is also effective in making sure that any dirt, debris, or microorganisms that might have made its way into the porous surface of the plaster will be removed and dislodged. That said, a simple routinary brushing can prevent the development of most organic stains as well as algae. Here’s how you go about it. First, get a telescopic pole and attach a pool brush to it. Next, start by brushing the walls of the pool as well as the steps, if you have a Baja shelf or a beach entry make sure to give it a quick brush too. Then, follow it up by brushing the floor of your pool. Make sure that you brush it thoroughly, but do it in a way that you won’t disrupt the pool water because it can cause the dislodged debris to float in the water and it can take hours for it to settle. Also, use a pool brush with nylon bristles as steel wires can damage the plaster over time.

3. Watch the Water

Water chemistry plays an important role in pool water maintenance. With bad water balance, your pool can suffer from pool plaster erosion to stain and scale development. Not only that, but it can potentially damage the ladders, handrails, liners, and even the equipment you use in your pool. That’s why many professionals pay close attention to water chemistry, especially in pools that use plaster, because it can spell the difference between doing regular maintenance to a major repair. On that note, it’s imperative that you pay close attention to the chemistry of your pool water. Should you plan to measure and adjust the pool water yourself, you’ll need either a test kit or a test strip. Either way, you need to get a sample of the pool water and refer to the instructions on the kit or the strip to check the level of the chemicals in your pool’s water. Adjust the water accordingly and check the water again to make sure you had it right. Nevertheless, if you’re unsure of what to do, you can always hire pool professionals like us, at Stanton Pools. We provide expert quality pool water checking and adjustment to make sure that your pool water is at its best. Like brushing, checking the pool water should be done at least once a week to monitor the balance of the water and to make necessary adjustments to nip problems right in the bud.

4. Use Sequestering Agents

If you’re faced with a pool that has metal stains, using sequestering agents might help. Your pool will have various metallic components that can affect and influence the development of metallic stains in the plaster. These components might include anything from brass valves, and heat exchangers, as well as galvanized or copper plumbing. Furthermore, the water from your local pipes will have trace amounts of minerals used for sanitation and other purposes. The same can be said when you’re using well water, which will have significant amounts of metal including magnesium, manganese, iron, and traces of silver and copper. Sequestering agents can help you eliminate these problems as they will bind up minerals and metals in the water. Pool water sequestering agents will make it difficult for the metals to precipitate out of the solution, which can help prevent stains and cloudy pool water. Different sequestering agents will have different ways of application, so it’s best to refer to the packaging or contact the manufacturer for information about usage and application. Nevertheless, using these sequestering agents can help keep your pool water and pool plaster clean.

5. Acid Washing

You can resort to acid washing if none of the aforementioned solutions helped you in cleaning the pool plaster. As the name of the process implies, acid washing involves the use of acid to remove a thin layer of plaster. This makes for a thorough clean and exposes the unstained bright white plaster underneath. That said, acid washing is the common solution for those hard-to-remove stains that brushing and sequestering agents can’t take out. Acid washing is often carried out by trained professionals as this process involves the use of harmful chemicals strong enough that they peel through plaster and expose what’s underneath. The reason why many pool owners hire professionals to carry out this task is that using too much acid can damage the pool plaster and use too little may prove to be ineffective. Acid washing your pool plaster also means that you have to drain the pool to pour in acid to clean the plaster. While draining the pool looks like an easy job, it requires a little know-how. Draining the pool water close to your in-ground pool can cause the concrete to pop out resulting in more work. However, should you choose to do it on your own, make sure you’re backed with the right equipment and that you’ve done enough research to feel confident to carry out this undertaking on your own. Proper hazmat gloves, masks, and boots are in order to make sure you’re protected when you apply the acid. You’d also want to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts to protect yourself. And lastly, have a buddy or a family member nearby to help you out. For obvious reasons, avoid acid washing the pool on a windy day.

Pool Plaster Cracks

Like the stains we’ve mentioned above, cracks on the plaster are not uncommon in swimming pools. Your swimming pool is just like your home, your vehicle, or even your body. Time wears it down and it will eventually show signs of wear and tear. Your swimming pool plaster may develop several crevices for a slew of other reasons. Plastering your pool on a hot day can be one. That’s why pools located in areas with a hot climate like Simi Valley may encounter cracks on the plaster of their pools. Our Simi Valley pool service, Simi Valley pool remodeling as well as our Northridge pool remodeling can address these issues. pool plaster cracks Plaster cracks are not a defect in the process of plastering but rather a natural phenomenon as plaster will tend to shrink after its application. With this in mind, we ensure that we take the necessary measures to prevent the plaster we applied in your pool from easily rupturing. The products of our Agoura Hills pool resurfacing, Moorpark pool resurfacing, West Hills pool resurfacing, Chatsworth pool resurfacing, and Winnetka pool plastering will show the superior craftsmanship of Stanton Pools. Also, checking the overall integrity of the pool will reveal the flexibility of the concrete structure. Settling of the supporting soil on the pool may likely put the pool under some stress and cause these cracks to appear.

Pool Plastering Alternatives

All right, pool plastering or pool resurfacing may sound like a big project. So, here are a few other alternatives to covering up your pool plaster.
  1. Patching – More of a temporary solution. Patching up plasters will not last as long and will often not match the actual pool plaster.
  2. Acid Wash – While acid wash can be effective in removing stains, it can wear the plaster down faster.
  3. Paint – Not just any paint, but paint designed to last underwater and chemical exposure.
  4. Tile – Definitely the most economical. Tiles will last forever but will cost you.

Stanton Pools Pool Plastering

If you’ve decided that it’s time you give your pool the proper treatment, make sure to call the best in the business. The projects we worked on in our Hidden Hills pool remodeling and West Hills pool service prove our commitment to superior quality pool plastering. When beginning a pool plaster project by carefully chipping out the old plaster, we set your pool up for success. This is done by using precision tools like pneumatic tools and jackhammers. Don’t worry, we’ll protect your backyard the same way we do the concrete below the plaster. Rest assured that your property is safe when you do business with Stanton Pools. pool plaster - stanton pools When applying the plaster, we may try a different approach depending on the structure of the pool. Otherwise, we will generally start at the deep end of the pool carefully working our way up until we reach the deck of your pool. When conducting our Canoga Park pool maintenance, we see to it that we apply the proper amount of plastering to ensure longevity and the overall structural quality of the pool. Likewise, when we conduct our Tarzana pool service, we ensure that the materials we use to maintain the pools in this area are of the best quality and the procedure taken to apply them is taken with utmost care. We at Stanton Pools know how crucial pool plastering contributes to the aesthetic and structural quality of your slice of paradise. We know there’s more to just brushing and wiping the surfaces of the plaster and ridding it of stains. That’s why in our Northridge pool plastering services, we provide a thorough cleaning of the plasters to ensure they’ll look good and will last longer. Once the pool plaster has settled, we can now start the final process – the start-up. Pretty much like starting up a vehicle or booting up a new computer, the start-up process will let us know and assess the final product. The start-up process involves several other finishing touches beginning with brushing the finished surface to remove any remaining plaster dust. This ensures that when we fill the pool with water, dust particles won’t float or sink into the bottom – something that your filters will have to deal with. We also clean the said filters and finish off by vacuuming the pools. After this, we begin testing and checking the water chemistry once the pool is filled with water. Stanton Pools checks for the pool water’s pH level, its alkalinity, the presence and level of chlorine, as well as calcium hardness, and various acid levels. We’re confident in our dedication to plaster pool service and our passion for pool resurfacing. No one does pool resurfacing as we do. That’s why we’re rated number one in Los Angeles and Ventura County for the best pool remodeling and best pool maintenance and pool cleaning service. Our services simply can’t be beaten.
Whether it’s swim season or not, here in sunny California, a proper maintenance routine will help you keep your pools in pristine condition. Although pool maintenance involves more than just gathering dirt and debris, we at Stanton Pools believe that pool cleaning can be fun and easy.

Basic Pool Maintenance Tips

Here are tried and tested tips you can do on your own to keep your aquatic haven in the Golden State area in its best shape. Let’s start with the easy ones first.

1. Skim the Surface.

Skimming the pool water rids it of leaves, twigs, bugs, flower petals, and other fragments that are often blown into the pool by the wind. The floating debris can sink into the pool making it harder for you to remove it. It goes without saying that skimming the surface of the pool water should be done regularly, especially in locations with warm weather. That’s why pool owners in the Simi Valley area often hire professionals like us who specialize in Simi Valley pool services to help them maintain their pools. On a daily, you can skim the surface of the pool water to remove any floating waste. You will need a telescopic pole with a flat skimmer net. Lightly breeze through the water’s surface until all floating debris is removed. Make sure to shake off collected dirt frequently as wet debris can be challenging and difficult to handle. You can also use an automatic pool skimmer. Robotic pool skimmers will scoop up virtually everything floating on the surface of your pool. Automatic pool skimmers can collect anything from hair to oil residue from skin lotions.

2. Test your Water.

The chemical stability of your pool water should also be tested regularly. Properly maintained pool water helps keep away algae and corrosion. You can use a testing kit or test strips to measure your pool water’s pH levels. Taking water samples to your local pool store allows you to test your pool water for Calcium hardness, Chlorine level, total Alkalinity, as well as the presence of Metals to help you understand when to put in additives to keep the water clean. However, you can always trust the professionals to check your pool water for you. Dirt and debris that sank deep into the bottom of the pool will decompose. It will create a breeding ground for bacteria and promote algae growth. This is true especially with pools located in areas with a Mediterranean climate like that of West Hills. We at Stanton Pools offer comprehensive water testing through our West Hills pool services.

3. Brush the Tiles.

Brushing your pool tiles keeps both the pool infrastructure and the water clean. You can brush your pool tiles once in a week to keep algae buildup at bay. Soaking up old socks with chlorine will also help you clean yellow spots in your pool tiles. Our Malibu pool cleaning services in the ‘Bu area allow busy pool owners to have professionals take care of their pools for them. Signing up for our Tarzana pool services, if you own a pool in this location, is a great idea if you need professional pool cleaning bundled up with other services.

4. Check the Water Level.

Often overlooked, the water level of your swimming pool will help your pool filter system operate properly. Check your water level and make sure that it falls on the halfway point of the skimmer hatch. Should your pool water fall beyond this level, make sure to add more water until the recommended level is reached. Part of our pool maintenance services is to check the water and make sure it’s always at the ideal level. Your pool skimmers won’t be able to help with trapping floating debris but your filter pump and motor can run into unexpected issues should it run with no water flowing through it. Pool locations with arid weather conditions can cause the pool water to evaporate decreasing your pool’s water level. That’s why we always check for water levels when we conduct West Hills pool service, Simi Valley pool service, and Malibu pool cleaning, due to the nature of these locations.

5. Clean the Pool Deck.

Your pool deck often serves as the lounge area of your personal piscina. It’s where you set your pool furniture and where you and your guests often sit down and soak up the sun. That said, you will often find pool decks littered with trash that can make its way into the pool water. Make sure to clean the pool deck as any junk near the pool water can easily be thrown into the water. A clean pool deck saves you time you’d otherwise spend on skimming the surface and so on. Moreover, pool decks can be commonplace where dirt, rust, or weather stains. Giving it a quick spray using a power washer will do the trick. Pool owners living in the Tarzana area can trust in Stanton Pools if they need a skilled hand with cleaning their pool decks. Our Tarzana pool service will bring the best in your pool deck. While basic maintenance will definitely help you keep your swimming pool clean and safe, a thorough servicing of your personal paradise will surely improve your pool both inside and out.

Advanced Pool Maintenance and Care

Your pool is a valuable investment. Not only does it serve as a place to entertain guests but it can make your every day a vacation. Give yourself a tap on the back if you’ve followed our basic swimming pool maintenance tips, but we’re barely scratching the surface. We at Stanton Pools specialize in advanced pool maintenance services like pool plastering, pool resurfacing, and pool remodeling. Needless to say, we give your swimming pools the proper face-lift it deserves.

1. Consider Pool Resurfacing.

When planning to give your pool a thorough cleaning, one thing many pool owners think of is renovating. Renovating your pool might require anything from a simple patchwork to an actual overhaul. Other contractors will jump right in on the money but we at Stanton Pools provide an overall check of the pool and help you decide if you need to rebuild your pool from the ground up or if you just need pool resurfacing. Pool resurfacing can vary from the application of different materials and is seen as a broad and general service. Every pool is different, no two are the same. Agoura Hills pool resurfacing can be different from West Hills pool resurfacing as Moorpark pool resurfacing can be different from Chatsworth pool resurfacing. Pools from these locations will feature different builds overall and would require a different approach altogether. One pool owner who signed up for a West Hills pool resurfacing service might have an entirely different build than one who signed up for a Moorpark pool resurfacing. We pride ourselves on having a stringent process and a keen eye for identifying different pool finishes. Having said that, we cater to different pool finishes from fiberglass finish, aggregate finish, tile finish, and most especially, plaster finish. Each pool finish will have a different result in both the longevity and the aesthetic feel of your pool. Talk to us and we’ll help you find the best option for you before we even get to a quote.

2. Get Pool Plastering.

It’s not uncommon to see old pools. However, old pools often exude the look and feel of the pool’s actual age. Pool plastering is one of the most common and economical means of giving your backyard pool a new look. Here’s why you should get pool plastering. Noticeable are cracked-up tiles and faded plaster that not only give your pool an outdated look but can also affect the quality of the water in it. Small crevices in the old plaster can scratch you or your swimsuit. Jagged plaster will feel unpleasant should you run your hands on it. Dirt will also start to accumulate when patches of the plaster begin to peel from the walls of the pool. Pool plastering acts as your pool’s protective shell that acts as a waterproof coating to prevent the water from leaking into the concrete. Apart from adding aesthetic value, pool plastering ensures that the pool itself boasts increased structural integrity and keeps those who take a dip in it safe and sound. Pool plastering isn’t exactly rocket science. However, pool plastering entails a lot of hard work. We, at Stanton Pools, specialize in pool plastering. Our clients in the Winnetka area are a testament to our expertise. The Winnetka pool plastering service we offer covers comprehensive services with pool plastering that will last. The neighboring Canoga area is also witness to Stanton Pools’ top-notch Canoga Park pool maintenance.

3. Get Pool Remodeling.

Pool remodeling is an extensive service covering a wide range of projects that will not only give your oasis an updated look but will also cover redesigning how it works. Like the variations we covered between Agoura Hills pool resurfacing and Chatsworth pool resurfacing, the differences in pool remodeling depend on each location and in the pool owner’s unique taste. We’ve made our mark by providing top-tier Hidden Hills pool remodeling. Our pool remodeling services aim to make your vision a reality. We provide remodeling of the external components of your pool and add all the necessary bells and whistles to complete the design that speaks to you. Here’s what you can add when remodeling your swimming pools.
  • Outdoor Kitchen
  • Innovative Landscaping
  • Creative Lighting
  • Custom Decking
  • Pool Chemical Automation
  • Pool Equipment Automation
In addition, you can also opt to experience a visual representation of your proposed design. This is why we’re the number one in Simi Valley pool remodeling. We don’t just remodel your pools; we guide you every step of the way. By showing you detailed drafts of your proposed pool remodeling design, you can decide and make changes right before we start the project. We’ve been in the business long enough to know that our clients can’t afford to make expensive mistakes. That’s why we’ll walk you through every stage of your remodeling project. We’re backed by talented individuals who have traveled around the area to know the best Simi Valley pool remodeling designs and the latest Hidden Hills pool remodeling trends. You can never go wrong with Stanton Pools. Part of what we do as your contractor in remodeling your pools is to make sure that your pool equipment operates in its prime condition. When remodeling the pool’s infrastructure, we will install all the electrical and plumbing components necessary to run your refreshed pool. Whether you’re looking for Winnetka pool plastering or Canoga Park pool maintenance, we’ve got you covered from A to Z.

Why is Pool Maintenance Important?

Costs, designs, and the in-betweens aside, regular pool maintenance plays an important role in keeping your precious space of solace beautiful and safe. Like your home, your pools experience wear and tear from use. As an example, pool water that has bad chemistry will result in increased damage to the pool’s surface. Obvious flaking, cracking, discoloration, and breaking of tile and concrete can be observed when a pool is not properly cared for. These damages might appear inconsequential but will make a significant impact on the overall structural integrity of your pool over time. Like your homes, your pools are a part of your investment. You will not want to see your investment wane away. That’s why swimming pools entail a certain amount of upkeep to keep them looking and functioning at their prime. Furthermore, your pool is a place where you dip in. Pools with untended water can be the breeding ground of germs and bacteria and soaking up in bad water is not the best of ideas. You don’t want you or your kids dipping in the dirty water. Maintaining a salubrious pool can keep your investments last long for you and your family to enjoy the experience for a long time.


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